
The moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse

I know this may be an intimate question, but can I ask you what you think when you have an orgasm? This may sound strange, but it is a valid question. I can tell you what I think. Nothing, absolutely nothing. It’s a feeling of total bliss in the moment, the time when I feel whole; at one with everything. I have no problems; I don’t worry about bills, debts, or tax. I don’t think about the world, the poor, the hungry, or the sick. For me, it’s a moment where although excited, I am calm inside, without thought.

Is it strange to think that as a male, our whole life is leading up to this moment. Think about this carefully. Could your whole life really be about this moment? This may seem an absurd question, but please go into it with me.

How did we get here? Through a moment, just like the one we are talking about here, I would guess. If your father, or his father, or his father before him, failed to have an orgasm, you and I would not be here. There is no chance you would exist as you are today, with your genetic code, without generations of men in your family having an orgasm before you! Something so fast, so natural, that it has enabled generations of little you’s and me’s to exist.

Think on this for a moment. I will limit the number of generations in this example as we would have to go back to the beginning of time, that is the significance of an orgasm!

  • Your great, great, great grandfather has an orgasm which lasts approximately five to six seconds. Out of millions of sperm, one fertilizes an egg, and the process of life begins.
  • Your great, great grandfather is born, and when he grows up, has an orgasm, which lasts approximately five to six seconds. Out of millions of sperm, one fertilizes an egg and the process of life begins.
  • Your great grandfather is born, and when he grows up, has an orgasm which lasts approximately five to six seconds. Out of millions of sperm, one fertilizes an egg, and the process of life begins.
  • Your grandfather is born, and when he grows up, has an orgasm which lasts approximately five to six seconds. Out of millions of sperm, one fertilizes an egg, and the process of life begins.
  • Your father is born, and when he grows up, has an orgasm which lasts approximately five to six seconds. Out of millions of sperm one fertilizes an egg, and the process of life begins.
  • You are born!

So as you can see, the orgasm plays an important part in your personal history. It is in fact crucial to the continuity of life on this planet. So it’s no wonder that when you experience one, it is the most amazing thing you ever have. I know women reading this will be saying: “Men! That’s all they ever think about, what about us, we need orgasms too!” and I would agree with you, but for this discussion, I would like to concentrate on the significance of the male orgasm.

“Men! That’s all they ever think about!”

Could this obsession, the need to have an orgasm, not just be about pleasure? Most women have orgasms that can only be described as “for pleasure,” and the man also experiences deep pleasure, but that’s where the similarities stop. Why do you think that is?

Could it be, that the reason that men always think about having sex (and usually an orgasm) is that this is about the creation of life, the passing on of a male’s genes to a child, guaranteeing the immortality of the genes as long as his child has a child, and so on? I think that is why an orgasm is profoundly important to a man, and one reason we should start to think a little more carefully about the casualness, and lack of significance we place on orgasm.

We casually masturbate, and have casual sex, with no intention of creating a child. I am not suggesting this is wrong, just that we don’t pay enough attention to its significance.

We spend our days seeking pleasure, whether watching tv, drinking alcohol, buying new clothes, and we have reduced the orgasm to the same level – as just one more way to find pleasure.

But we know this pleasure is different – it feels like nothing else. You can’t buy it from the shop; you can’t make it; you can’t see it; you can’t touch it; and most of us can’t describe it exactly. It just is. And it is exactly the same when we are experiencing it, we just are; no thoughts, no worries, no problems.

For one short moment in life, we just are, without politics, religion, media, culture or teachers. Without conditioning or conforming. How many moments are like this in your life?

That’s why I think you should place significance upon this event. An event which lasts only seconds, but could pass on your genes for an eternity. An event that is love.

Think about this the next time you ejaculate inside someone you don’t love, or masturbate to pornography. “Am I treating my orgasm in the same way as I treat shopping, tv, or going to the pub? Is this just superficial pleasure or something more profound?”

Most of you would say: “Don’t be so serious, it’s just a bit of harmless fun,” but just think the next time you have an orgasm: “I could create life.”

This makes you a powerful individual, a creator, a man with great responsibilities.

You are the only person in the world who can create an individual that is one half of you. Just think about that. Every orgasm is pleasure, but that pleasure is the reward of creating life, not about having fun, although that’s what it feels like to most of us.

I am a creator, I create life.
I live eternally through my genes.
I am powerful and strong.
I acknowledge my importance in the world.
I take personal responsibility for my actions.

by alan macmillan orr

‘the natural mind – waking up’


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