Before anyone asks, we are talking about Diurnal birds, not nocturnal birds, like owls…
Diurnal birds start preparing for sleep when the sun goes down and get up when the sun rises…
So, imagine if every human in the world followed these rythyms?
What would the world look like?
Definitely a lot quieter in the evening.
No drunks out on the streets and in the pubs at night
No cars on the streets at night…
No night time crime
People will be better rested …
But, says you, the human world relies on people working during the night, hospitality, hospitals, flights, trains, buses, factories, would destroy the world as we know it…
And you would be right… We need people to work throughout the night, and people need to relax after their day at work…
But..says me, is the need to continue working or relaxing or partying through the night really a positive thing? Sure it keeps the human economic world turning, but does it help us evolve as a species? Absolutely not. Says me.
Imagine a different world. Then create it.