Imagine if just by reading one book you could transform your thinking, open your mind to new possibilities and embark on a mind adventure on a voyage of self discovery that will not only benefit you, your loved ones, friends and family but has the power to benefit humanity. This is that book.
The journey of personal deconstruction is not an easy one, but once you have set out on the path, there is no going back. You will require determination, commitment, and a willingness to read the book as it was intended, as a dialogue with yourself.
They say change is not easy, but change is instantaneous: it is the resistance to the change that takes time.
This book is not about self improvement, although that is one of the side effects. It is a book of serious inquiry into the nature of being human using the author’s life as a backdrop for many topics.
Banking, Hate, Pornography, Zoos, Anger, Belief, Wisdom, Love, War and of course, Food, are among the 250 eclectic topics curated in a dictionary style from A to Z. You do not need to read the book in order, or indeed all of the topics. You can come and go as you please and the author encourages you too. After all, it is your journey.
You have come this far, now to embark on your voyage. Good Luck.
What a reviewer thought…
The book is written in a light, friendly tone, much like how a friend would talk to you while in a thoughtful mood. Orr offers no religious, moral, or political views. The purpose of the book is not to brainwash you to mindlessly agree with him, but to just share his experiences and opinions and let you decide if they are of any value. The book aims to open a dialogue with the reader, in a way that books of its kind has never done before.
At its core is the idea that in order to find our purpose in life, we have to shift our perspective to one that refuses to accept anything that traditional agents of socialization (school, church, government, peers, etc) try to feed us.
In other words, we have to change the way we think in order to truly change who we are – for the better, of course.
The author deconstructs hundreds of questions, down to their scientific, philosophical, and human essences in an effort to uncover the natural mind inborn to every human being; inborn, but often unrealised. In this book you will find irony, hilarity, practical insight, conversation, personal stories, and a personal deconstruction of the human condition that chips away at all our actions, thoughts, beliefs and traditions, to uncover the “natural mind”: a mind free from conditioning and thus ready to explore life with compassion and joy.
This is a book that will enthrall and mesmerize, while it masterfully teaches the eclectic and timeless truths hidden within its pages.
This is a breakthrough work, and is one book that is as indispensable as it is entertaining”
Read or listen to all the topics from Alan’s first book, The Natural Mind – Waking Up, for free here … it doesn’t matter what order you read them, but I recommend reading DIALOGUE ONE to check your current thinking, then come back and read /listen to the topics at your leisure.
enjoy the journey…
find a topic that resonates with you
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